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With a new online store we can now all get a piece of Matty Bovan’s wonderful world.

By Naomi Barling.

Some say Matty Bovan is more of an artist than a designer. Since graduating from Central Saint Martins in 2015 with an MA in fashion knitwear, his designs have excited eager fashion week crowds who are desperate for some raw creativity. His sartorial dystopia is playful, bold, bright, and rooted in craft and imagination, while constantly pushing the boundaries of what fashion means in 2020. With the launch of his new online store enabling him to share the magic worldwide, we learn a bit more about the world of Matty Bovan.

What has been your biggest lesson of 2020?

To appreciate family, friends, and everything I have close to me. Also, to appreciate creativity. The loss of life worldwide is heartbreaking and I feel for everyone affected.  

What is your vision for the future of fashion and your place within it?

Sustainability, genesis of garments, life-enhancing work and projects.   

What does creativity mean to you and why do you think it is important?

It’s my way of life, my way of coping, my way of communicating, without it I couldn’t handle life around me, I don’t think. 

What place do you see fashion having in the future with all the change going on around the world?

Hopefully more inclusive, more accessible.  I hope all the kids get a chance to get a foot in the door, or even make their own space to show and sell works. I believe in the future.

What does a day in the life of Matty Bovan look like?

I’m very lucky – I have a good balance of creativity and admin, a lot of research into fashion/art and sourcing materials.

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You have an amazing personal style. What does style and self-expression mean to you? Has this changed during the pandemic?

It’s just a case of how wearing a certain color can change your mood! Yes, it’s change. It’s more casual now, but I also try to make a light effort just for my own mood.

There is lots of talk about sustainability and ethical fashion. What does this mean to you and your brand?

It means so much, it’s so important as a designer to consider and act on these important world issues. I also make use of deadstock yarns and materials, and even deadstock garments cut up and repurposed.

What is your best bit of advice for people who want to be more conscious in their relationship with clothing?

I think it’s personal, but really just think about what you are consuming and where it came from. We make everything in the U.K. and that’s very important to me.

Why is it important for you to be able to sell directly to the consumer online and how does it make the experience feel more personal? 

Being able to sell directly is great, it’s so fascinating to see where the pieces are going! We have already sold some pieces around the world. I love that people can see all different versions of each piece on the site. It’s more personal, as I worked on all the pieces over lockdown and I feel they are special in a new way.

What do you want to achieve with the online store?

I really wanted to do something different to my mainline – and it was such a fun personal project for me.  I just wanted to have a more diverse range of price points and items.

There are lots of one-off pieces online. Will this continue? 

Yes 100%.  I think it’s an interesting concept and feel it works well for my new label and new way of working in the future.

What is the best advice you have ever been given?

As corny as it sounds, it was to believe in myself, and listen to my own voice.

Three things you could not live without?

British tea, sparkling water, my knitting machine.


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