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Following Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s passing, the fate of Roe v. Wade is thrown into question

By Juno Kelly.

Last week, Ruth Bader Ginsberg passed away to cancer. Throughout her tenure as a Supreme Court Justice, the liberal feminist – renowned for her articulate, scathing dissents – was responsible for pushing through a myriad of laws that advanced womens civil liberties, including the right to work without being discriminated against due to gender, the right to work when one has children, and the right to a bank account without a man’s acquiescence. Ginsberg was also a staunch supporter of a woman’s right to choose, famously expressing at her 1993 confirmation hearing, “this is something central to a woman’s life, to her dignity. It’s a decision that she must make for herself. And when government controls that decision for her, she’s being treated as less than a fully adult human responsible for her own choices.”

Shortly after her death, Ginsberg’s granddaughter shared her dying wish with the press: for the president to wait until after the November election to select her replacement on the court. The majority of Americans – even a portion of republicans – wish to honor Ginsburg’s wish, believing that the winner of the November election should be the one to nominate the next Supreme Court Justice. However, as Ginsburg lies in repose at the supreme court, Trump is making moves.

Mere days after Ginsburg’s passing, the president informed the press that he is deciding between five women for the seat, the front runners of whom are Amy Coney Barrett and Barbara Lagoa. Barrett, a strict Catholic, has previously expressed uncertainty regarding the untouchability of Roe v. Wade, writing in the Texas Law Review in 2013 that the American people’s response to contentious cases like Roe v. Wade “reflects public rejection” of the idea that legal precedent “can declare a permanent victor in a divisive constitutional struggle.” Meanwhile, Barbara Lagoa, a Cuban American, has been marginally clearer on her stance, stating that Roe v. Wade “is settled law, however has not yet expressed her personal opinions on the ruling.

As of Tuesday, September 22nd, Republicans secured the senate numbers needed to ensure Trump’s nominee (who will be revealed on Saturday) will undergo a confirmation hearing at the senate, dashing Democrat’s hopes that selecting new candidate would fall into Biden’s hands should he be victorious come November.

Abortion activists throughout America are coalescing the masses, encouraging them to vote for democratic nominee Joe Biden to salvage what we can of our rights come November. Although Biden has a historically mixed voting record on abortion, he recently turned a corner, describing Roe v. Wade as, the law of the land, a woman has a right to choose,” adding that should the Supreme Court overturn the ruling while he was in office, he would “push” legislation to keep it in place. Aside from voting with Roe in mind come November, activists are recommending investing in local or state-wide pro-choice initiatives.


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