It was over ten years ago, in late spring 2014, when I had the idea to form a fashion philanthropic media brand. At 4am on a Sunday, wide awake and deep in thought over one of my dearest friends who had been diagnosed with breast cancer, the feeling of helplessness at her situation was very troubling to me.
It was at that moment Mission was born: a media brand where each bi-annual issue would be devoted to a particular charity or cause, with a percentage of profits going to that cause.
Mission aims to engage socially conscious people and companies through the lens of fashion to help those in need.
Mission is not only about giving back, but also about educating and bringing awareness to the causes it will highlight every six months, as well as inspiring a global community to make a difference.
“Having witnessed a person so dear to me suffer with an awful illness, my mindset has shifted permanently. Now my overwhelming question is:
What can I do?”
Karina Givargisoff
Founder/Editor-in-Chief of Mission Magazine