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The latest nightclub experience will see 3-D objects wrap around the clubber’s body.

By Hadassah Penn.

Less than a year after launching an innovative and successful museum in Shanghai, Japanese digital art collective teamLab announces its latest endeavor: a nightclub.

The nightclub, called MASTER, will open in Shanghai this October, and will embrace “young, trendy and cultural energies.” In line with teamLab’s previous projects, MASTER will exist not just as a nightclub, but as an art installation. A statement from teamLab offers a glimpse of what it calls “a new social entertainment model,” describing “3 dimensional objects, wrapping around the body of people in the space and immersing the body.”

In the years since its inception in 2000, teamLab has become synonymous with digital art innovation. The collective, which works within the “confluence of art, science, technology, design and the natural world,” is well-known for its “borderless” museums: interactive, visually dynamic spaces in which the artworks “move, evolve, and influence each other.” The result is an experience that’s as social media-friendly as it is memorable.

When the collective’s first museum, Borderless Tokyo, opened in 2018, it drew over 2.3 million visitors in its first year, more than any other single-artist museum in the world. In addition to Borderless Tokyo and its recent follow-up Borderless Shanghai, teamLab’s work can be found in Sydney, San Francisco, Istanbul, and Helsinki.

The founder of teamLab, Toshiyuki Inoko, explained his creative process in a 2018 interview with SmartShanghai: “Art comes first. Technology is simply a tool to achieve ideas. But because of it, ideas also evolve…We don’t even have a clear definition of who’s an artist and who’s not, it doesn’t matter, the work is all collaborative. We all use our expertise to create something and the final result is art.”

You can visit MASTER at the TX Huaihai building in Shanghai in October 2020


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